From John [Palmer], 16 August 1851
Jefferson Barracks
Aug. 16 1851
Capt. Th: Claiborne
Regt. Mtd. Riflemen
Nashville, Tenn:
Dear Claiborne,
Your last of 7th. Aug. I received a day or two since & I have spoken to Maj about that money. He has promised to send it very soon. And you are to ship off so soon eh? I wish I could be there to see you [swing] off. You have done well; you will now be a respectable man. I wish I could do something for myself in this way. They keep me so busy here that I hardly have time to do any Courting. The Col. has insisted on my performing the duties of Post as well as [Regimental] Adjutant besides attending to the recruiting parties It is too much and I shall soon begin to kick.
Every one here looks about as they did three years ago save those who are married look as though they had been washed up. Nannie Walker is a most devoted wife—at least I judge so from the amount of Cooing that I see between her and the Pills.
There is quite a swarm of girls here now but bah! I am not the individual I was one. I would as soon think of running a foot race with the The[illegible] at [illegible] as to get up a flirtation now. Smith and Morris do the most of the gallantry now. Morris is ordered to Carlish—Porter also.
The Court Martial is not through with Buft yet. I believe he will be convicted. They had adjourned for a day to wait for Russell.
We have but a few men here now but there are more than 200 at Carlisle. They will be ordered here in October I suppose.
Write soon and tell me all about Annie. I will drink her health and if she insist on it I will get tight on the 1[5]th.
Col. & Maj. wish to be remembered to you and Annie:
Very truly yours
Jn [Palmer]
In your return for July, you should have had for total of parties and recruits 3 & not 4. see *
P.S. Recruiting Regulations inform you where you are to receive funds from. Have you not an army Regulations? If you have [not] you had better ask [Gen.] R. Jones for one. What is the $6 bounty you speak of? I have never heard of any such bounty. Take care you don’t let some of these 2d. Auditor’s and things down on you.
Please be punctual in forwarding your monthly return of Recruiting Party & recruits. I have received your return for July. The Dept Gen. informs the Col. that all the officers have been furnished with the Regulations—if you have [less men] you had better inform the Dept. of the fact
Jn P.